Every year approximately 700 weddings occur in Grey-Bruce and Simcoe. At an average cost of just $10,000 per wedding that represents over 7-million dollars of spending each year. How do you reach this highly valuable market in a cost-effective way? We’re the logical choice!
Here are your options.

Business directory listing

A business directory listing in brideCanadaincludes your logo, a brief description of your service, link to our homepage e-mail address and all additional contact information making it easy to reach you. Include your listing into as many as three service categories.

Annual price $99

Photo gallery

A great add-on to the business directory listing for photographers. A feature gallery of up to 10 photos showcasing your work.

Annual price $49

Banner advertisement

Place a banner ad in the content on the information page of your choice. A great way to showcase your business to the reader. Overall size 480 x 60 pixels.

Annual price $99

Display advertisement

Place a display ad in the content on the information page of your choice. A great way to showcase your business to the reader. Overall size 240 x 200 pixels.

Annual price $99

All advertisers may participate in our website in the following ways:

  • Answer questions appearing in our “Ask a Question” column.
  •  Submit articles to our “What’s Hot” column. Talk about current styles and trends.
  • Submit limited time offers and special deals to our “Deals” column.

How do you find out more?

Contact us in the following way:

Softext Publishing Inc.
954 1 st Ave W. Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K5
519-371-7464 888-847-2225 Fax: 519-371-4043

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