04 NovHow do I choose a photographer?

From: Laura Davis – London Ontario

Since it’s not every day that you get married, it is likely that you little experience being photographed professionally. It’s just one reason why couples find it hard selecting the right photographer.

Here are four suggestions:

Style – Theirs and Yours

Experienced photographers have developed a style which they may refer to in such terms as candid or portrait-style. Make sure that their style is consistent with what you have in mind. It is always a good idea to see their portfolio. Ask them what they intended with certain shots and get information on how they work. Do they like to be discreet and act as a candid observer or take a more direct approach? Make sure you have clearly stated your preferences and “must have shots”.




Ask about their experience, keeping in mind that some of the best photographers are young. What they may lack in experience they may make up for in creativity and solid training through a college program. Check out their portfolio and ask such questions as: What happens if it rains? You need someone with enough experience so they can overcome problems if they should arise. Weddings are a one-time event – there are no second chances.



The photographer and assistants will be working very closely with you on a day when your emotions are already running very high so it is important that your temperaments do not clash or you are in for trouble. Experienced photographers adapt to the situation and take their cues from the bride and groom. Try to develop a rapport before the wedding so the stress of the day does not interfere with the process. Remember, they are hired to do a job and can have a lot to do with the success of the results.


Prices and Duties


Every photographer has package pricing so find out what this includes and doesn’t’t. Most offer combined engagement and wedding photography. If offered, take them up on it as it is an opportunity to see how they work, their results and if you can work together on the “big” day.

Make sure you read all contracts and know when payments are due. If the photographer is not willing to lay out the costs and fees beforehand and out it in writing, consider getting someone else.

As for their duties, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

  • Will they be taking photos before, during, and after the ceremony?
  • Will they be attending the reception?
  • Will they be bringing an assistant?
  • When will your photos be ready and do they provide both print and digital copies?
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